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Want to support our ministry?

Ministerial Care exists to serve our credentialed ministers and their families through support, encouragement, resources and pastoral counseling - all at no cost to our ministers. If you would like to support our mission financially, you can do so by clicking on the PayPal button on this website.


Welcome to Ministerial Care. Our goal and purpose is to serve our credentialed ministers and their families. We do this through support, encouragement, resources, and pastoral counseling. We recognize the demand and stressors that our ministers have on them. Quite simply, it is exhausting and overwhelming. Let us help you to continue in the calling that God has for you. Your family and your ministry are important to us. Our priority is you. 

Shared Testimonies

We are uncertain as to where our journey is right now but are holding onto faith. We know without a doubt we have an incredible support system with Dr. Tim. He saw us at our worst and now sees a healing taking place from the inside out. To be able to take a deep breath and not have it hurt speaks so much. No words can express how humbled we are and can’t wait to see where it’s taking us. We just want to say thank you, Dr. Tim, you are making a difference and Soul Care Ministry is so needed.

I have no words that could truly describe the thankfulness we have to Dr. Maness and the Church of God Center for Ministerial Care. They have been God’s hands and feet in restoring this marriage and family, which in turn will benefit the Kingdom of God as we share our testimony to others so they may know the unending love Christ has for all his children.

At Ministerial Care, I finally began my healing process. The first step was accepting I had an issue, and it was okay to get help. The sessions helped me to find the causes, but more importantly taught me how to change my mindset. Today, I know how to deal better with everyday stress and know how to love each day to its fullest. Ministerial Care helped to save my life and is there for all church of God ministers including missionaries. They are making the difference and I’m so proud they were there for me.


Tim Maness

Pastoral Counselor

and SpiritCare Director

Donna Higgins.jpg

Donna Higgins

Care Ministries

Executive Assistant

Raymond F. Culpepper II,




Lisa Jones

Ministerial Care

Administrative Assistant


Hear  the  Podcast : Pastoring on Purpose

Join us for a new podcast rooted in the work we do right here at the Center for Ministerial Care. In Pastoring on Purpose, we talk to leaders, pastors, and members in the Church of God and beyond as we endeavor to learn about topics such as Pastoral burnout, Theodicy, Boundaries, and so much more. New episodes release every two weeks, so join in the conversation now!


My wife and I visited the Office of Ministerial Care recently for counseling.
From the moment we walked into the office we felt the warmth, love and compassion of the entire team. The office was relaxing and inviting. Everyone made us feel welcome and at ease.


Many people in the world view therapy as a weakness. I was one of those people. I thought I could fix anything, or I could just pray and it would get better. Praying is amazing and a key factor in healing and miracles. However now I see that God has placed others around as His hands and feet to help us in our daily lives and for those times that we are so far down we see no way out. Therapy is not a weakness, in fact it takes strength to realize you need someone to come
alongside you and help put together the broken pieces of your life.


While attending a conference sponsored by our region, I came to
realize I was experiencing burn-out. I began seeking more direction. While talking with the speaker of our conference, it was suggested I contact Dr. Maness and apply for counseling at the Center for Ministerial Care. I did this and it changed my life.

SERVICES: How WE Can Help You

We provide professional counseling to all Church of God credentialed ministers and their families. This is professional counseling that is confidential and ranges from a variety of needs, including but not limited to: marital, financial, burnout, depression, anger, false guilt, church conflict, self-esteem, loneliness, grief, parenting, etc. We are Theo-centric in our counseling process and offer counseling from a Pentecostal perspective. We understand the importance of the Holy Scriptures along with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

For more than 20 years, the Center for Ministerial Care has facilitated a restoration ministry that is focused on assisting ministers and their families in need of healing and renewal. In the field, ministers provide care for the people to whom they minister; they build relationships with them and treat them with respect regardless of their mistakes.  As a ministry for ministers, CMC strives to treat ministers with the same level of respect and care when caring for them. The restoration ministry is here to help ministers and their families to work through extremely difficult circumstances, to live the life they were created to live, and to do the ministry they were called to do.

SpiritCare is a servant ministry existing solely for the purpose of serving and ministering to our faithful Church of God retired ministers, their spouses and ministers' widows. It is a ministry of care and hope, whether it is helping with monthly reimbursements for medicines and supplemental insurance through Helping Hands or coming alongside them during their emergencies and times of need or comfort.

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